Thursday, January 29, 2009

Badger Gets Back Up With a Little Help from His Friends

Soooo, following Herr's most impressive "bricks and mortar" victory on Sunday (and my most dismal weak play in said tourney), my blog-mate kindly offered to help me putty up the leaks in my game.

We sat down, pre-pub quiz and played 2 one-table SNGs. It didn't take Herr too long to see that I had acquired 2 leaks of sufficient gauge to down the QE2:

1. I was playing far too many hands. Low suited-connectors in any position? Sure thing! K-2 in late position? Why the hell not! He smacked me smart, and good.

2. When I was involved in a hand, I was not following thru post-flop: I was getting all weak-kneed if I didn't hit top pair. Well, Herr smartened me up: "gotta keep attacking when you were the pre-flop aggressor". Not always, of course (position and number of opponents are key), but, in general he is dead-on.

Having performed on-the-fly triage, we ended up finishing 4th on the first SNG (sadly, right on the bubble)...and 1st in our second one! There we were, high-fiving and shrieking in victory at my iBook in the staid English pub. Did I just imagine the Brits seated around us gritting their teeth, rolling their eyes and saying "Bloody Yanks!"

Anyhoooo, prior to Herr's tutelage, I had been in a deep Badger funk: over the previous 10 days or so, my stack had dwindled from neigh $160 to sub-$100. I was in the red and many, many miles from my Feb 1 target of $200.

Well, I sat down last nite (from about 11 pm 'til 6 am!) and played according to the new mantra: highly selective in the early stages, and then attack, attack, attack post-flop. And attack, attack, attack as the blinds climb and the opponents wither.

In that seven hour stretch I managed to dispatch a lovely white Rhone...and, in 11 games, place 7 times "in the money"--with 3 first-place finishes.

I ain't counting my chickens yet, but the Badger is back on the farm, sniffing around the hen house.

I look forward to another practice session with Herr, and hopefully with Douchebag as well, upon his return from Vietnam.

Ending balance: $145.


  1. Rarely has the deep truth of "those who can't do, teach" been laid so bare.

  2. Where's the post about last night's 2nd place finish?

  3. Yo bitch! Blog already, motherfucker.
