Sunday, January 25, 2009


The last few days, apart from still sucking at headsup so so bad, have been very positive. I am now way ahead of where I could ever have planned to be. I have used sharkscope a lot and found several interesting trends especially on my own performance. Perhaps more on that later when my sample size is bigger and there is less noise on the stats.

Day 18: More of the same
Starting balance: $525.93

More $20 SNGs, more sucking at headsup, more grinding out a profit. 15 $20 SNGs in total with 2 wins, 4 2nds and a 3rd. A couple of smaller MTTs ended in pathetic results, but overall I finished the day on $613.63

Day 19: A long day with a flavour of monkey tilt
Starting balance: $613.63

On this day I saw some wild swings. Over 28 $20 SNGs I saw my balance increase to $637 and drop to $467 before settling on $589.83 at the end of the day. I went on some bad runs during the day and while I cashed enough overall to not do a lot of damage, losing headsup again cost me any real chance to show a profit. I cashed 11 times which is a very acceptable rate, but a breakdown of 2 wins, 6 2nds and 3 3rds is not. Including a few more failed MTTs I finished the day on $589.83.

A combined headsup record for two days of 2-10 is obviously embarrassing.

Day 20: Boomswitched
Starting balance: $589.83

Today I ran as hot as I think I ever have in SNGs. I started off with some fairly modest results before I went out and got hammered. Fuelled by Jack Daniels I went on sick run of 3rd-3rd-2nd-win-2nd-win-3rd-2nd-3rd-2nd-9th(!)-win-2nd-3rd in my 9-seater $20 SNGs. An incredible run and despite still not converting enough headsup chances that of course resulted in a very healthy profit. It was like my boomswitch had been pressed; I wasn't sucking out on people at all, but I was winning an extraordinary amount of coinflips. AK v 99? I would get my king. TT v AQ? Board would be all bricks. It was excellent. On this glorious day I played 22 SNGs and had 16 cashes. That included 5 wins, 5 2nds and 6 3rds. At the end of the day the balance read $1,041.83.

With more than $1,000 I can now buy into a lot of games, but for now I will stick to $20 SNGs. I can't rely on having the boomswitch consistantly pressed, so I will grind it out on this level a little longer. This balance opens the door to a lot more MTT though, something I have not played enough and underperformed in when I have. Might give it a more focused go in the near future.
